
Way to overcome Cellular Phone/HP Frequently Hang

Way to overcome Cellular Phone/HP Frequently Hang

Sulk with tardy HP performance or often hang ? The following is a possibly
way will helps you to overcome your celullar phone that often hang or slow performance.

Before conduct repair, of course must know beforehand its cause. For example the cause of HP celullar phone often usually because fallen, weakened
IC, mistake of instalation application, infected virus and full memory.

After know its cause or at least your suggest direct to the cause above so the next step that must be conducted will be clear. If because fallen or weak IC so just immediately service it, if due to fail of reinstal an application so immediately uninstall it or even reformat your HP, if memory full so just immediately vanish the memory that needn't and if infected virus immediately conduct virus cleaner.

tag: cara mengatasi Ponsel/HP hang, lambat

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