
D-One DG 638, A Cheap Phone And Multimedia Music

D-One DG 638, A Cheap Phone And Multimedia Music

D-One DG 638 maybe celullar phone that you are looking for, due to D-One DG 638 is cheap but rich features such as camera VGA, MP3 player and video Player.

In other hand the celullar phone with price around 850 thousand rupiah has used
already bluetooth as connectivity with support A2DP for band speaker in long distance.

D-One DG 638 also provides slot microSD till 2GB and also as dual On GSM
celullar phone .

tag: ponsel murah, musik, multimedia

2 comment:

Unknown said...

Sy baru beli D-one DG 638 5 hari yang lalu. Masalah fitur multimedia saya akui lumayan memadai unutk ukuran harga segitu. Tapi ada masalah di charger-nya. Sy baru coba 2x charging normal, ketiga kalinya koneksi chargernya gk jalan. Skrg HP sy mati ni...
Ada yang bisa ngasih solusi?

Anonymous said...

sy di Bekasi, mau beli HP ini, di mana ya Toko yang sedia? ,

ajie - 0812416 96 46